Welcome to the Kirpilä Art Collection!
The Kirpilä Art Collection is an art museum located in a residential building in Töölö, in central Helsinki. It is open to the public free of charge on Wednesdays 2 pm–6 pm, and on Sundays 12 pm–4 pm. See below for group visits outside these hours and for remote guided tours.
Collection is closed:
Address: Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 7, 00260 Helsinki
6th floor
tel. +358 50 351 4337
Send us mail
Remote guided tours
Get to know the Kirpilä Art Collection with a remote guided tour! The guided tour is organised privately for your group live from the museum and you can ask questions and discuss with the guide. The tours are available in Finnish, Swedish, English and Italian.
Prices for remote guided tours:
The language of tour is Finnish or Swedish
60 € / up to 20 participants
80 € / up to 30 participants
The language of tour is English or Italian
70 € / up to 20 participants
90 € / up to 30 participants
The duration of the guided tour is roughly 50 minutes. See the available times and book your own guided tour from our webshop (in Finnish). After paying for the tour, you will receive a link to the event on Teams via email and you can share the link with your group. Please note that the number of participants is limited to ensure technical quality.
If you do not find a suitable time in the list, you may also contact taidekoti(at)skr.fi and request for another time!
Guided tours at the museum
The Kirpilä Art Collection is open to groups also by appointment outside of its ordinary opening hours (Wed 2 pm–6 pm and Sun 12 pm–4 pm). Group visits comprise a guided tour lasting around 60 minutes. One tour group can have a maximum of 15 participants. For larger groups we can provide two tour guides, which doubles the price of the visit. The minimum group size for the museum to open outside of its ordinary opening hours is around 4 visitors.
Groups can arrive to the Kirpilä Art Collection 10 min before the guided tour starts.
Tour prices
Monday to Friday
EUR 70 (in Finnish or Swedish)
EUR 80 (in English)
Saturday and Sunday
EUR 90 (in Finnish or Swedish)
EUR 100 (in English)
Besides ordinary tours, we also offer queer tours, where the collection is viewed from an unconventional, non-heteronormative perspective.
Tour bookings can be cancelled up to one week before the date, except for Saturday or Sunday tours, which must be cancelled by the Friday of the preceding week. The full price of the tour will be charged for later cancellations.
To cancel a tour booking, email us.
We also offer tours for children and tours in plain-language Finnish.
The museum is not available for event bookings.
Group enquiries and bookings:
mail or +358 50 351 4337
The museum arranges concerts, children’s events (Kids’ Sundays) and diverse themed tours. Queer tours, among others, are available in English. Admission is free to all of the museum’s own events. For more information, see our event calendar (in Finnish).
So far, the Kirpilä Art Collection’s publication series comprises five works.
The bilingual (Finnish and English) collection catalogue A Home for Art – The Juhani Kirpilä Art Collection (2017) is a visually inspiring collection of articles based on new research, in which esteemed Finnish art historians open novel perspectives on the works in the collection. The articles provide an in-depth and diverse view of the collector as a person and of the societal aspects of art collecting in Finland.
The core of the collection of more than five hundred works of Finnish art is formed by paintings, within which Juhani Kirpilä was particularly drawn to bold colours, portraiture, landscapes and nudes. The collection’s visionary cross-cut of Finnish painting during a period of over one hundred years was based on the collector’s personal tastes.
The anthology was edited by the Director of the Kirpilä Art Collection, Johanna Ruohonen, PhD, and its contributors include Senior Curator Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff, PhD, Curator Pia Hyttinen,MA, Professor Hanna Johansson, Adjunct Professor Kristina Linnovaara, Professor Ville Lukkarinen, Professor Tutta Palin and Adjunct Professor Juha-Heikki Tihinen.
A Home for Art can be bought via the Finnish Literature Society and from the Kirpilä Art Collection during its opening hours. The price when purchased at the museum is EUR 35.
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